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Pete Chamber's Website
was used as a primary reference source in assembling this merchandise related information.


Alien Nation Movie Special by Martin Pasko and Jerry Bingham
DC Comics, movie adaptation comic, Color, 1988

Ape Nation~1-4 by Charles Marshall, M.C. Wyman, Terry Pallot,Clem Robins,David de Vries and Dave Dorman.
Adventure Comics, 4 issue limited series, Color, 1991
Cross-over between two Adventure Comics series; Alien Nation and Planet of the Apes

black and white

The Spartans #1-4 by Bill Spangler, James Tucker and Page Groh.
Published by Adventure Comics 4 issue limited series B/W, 1990
Released as a combined graphic novel in1991
A sinister plan under development by the Human organization known as the 'The Spartans'.is discovered.

A Breed Apart #1-4 by Steve Jones, Stan Timmons and Jimmy Palmiotti
Published by Adventure Comics 4 issue limited series B/W, 1990
A small criminal enterprise composed of Newcomers attempts to corner the narcotics market.

The Skin Trade #1-4 by Lowell Cunningham, Leonard Kirk and Terry Pallot.
Adventure Comics, 4 issue limited series, B/W, 1991
A Newcomer P.I. is tracks Human criminals using Newcomer skins to pass themselves off as Tenctonese.

The FirstComers #1-4 by Martin Powell,Tim Eldred and Andrew Pepoy
Adventure Comics, 4 issue limited series ,B/W, 1991
A team composed of a human and newcomer woman attempt to find the truth behind a mysterious location known as Hanger 18.

The Public Enemy #1-4 by Lowell Cunningham, Sandy Carruthers and Wayne Wise
Adventure Comics, 4 issue limited series, B/W, 1991
Traces the life of a Tenctonese from his past on a slave ship

The Lost Episode by Bill Spangler, Terry Pallot and Joseph Allen
Adventure Comics, one shot, B/W, 1992
Comic based on an unfilmed TV series episode that was later altered to become the Dark Horizon TV Movie


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