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A Christmas Story
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Growing up almost everyone had at least one Christmas that was especially memorable; complete with the big gift that would be cherished forever. In A Christmas Story a young boy named Ralphie wanted a Red Rider BB gun more than anything. Naturally he told everyone in a postition to help him of this great gift he wanted. He wrote an essay for his school teacher about what he wanted for Christmas and received a C+. Nothing devestated him more than the "you'll shoot your eye out" comment which she wrote on his paper. It seemed that his mother had spread this idea to his teacher as she said it often. Ultimately young Ralphie went straight to the big guy himself, Santa with his request. In a shopping mall he waited in line for hours and just did get to see Santa. Instantly he froze unable to speak or respond. Such is the power that Santa can have over a small boy, is it not? He was asked what he wanted for Christmas but remained silent. Santa asked if he wanted a football and young Ralphie nodded. Then he slid down a cute and the encounter should have been at its completion. But Ralphie realized the error of his ways and headed back up the chute to see Santa again. He tells Santa of the great Red Rider BB gun without haste (or stopping to breathe even.) Santa responds "You'll shoot your eye out." Young Ralphie was just destroyed by this response from jolly ole saint nick. Then mall santa said ho ho ho and placed his boot on Ralphie face and gave him a slight push down the chute. A Christmas story was set in the late 30's or early 40's. The Wizard of Oz was just out, Little Orphan Annie had a famous radio show, and ovaltine decoder rings were true prizes. Ralphie had a brother that always played with his food, a dad, that swore creatively; and loved turkey more than anything. Ralphie in the end beats up the school bully, gets caught by his parets saying the F word, and has the most meorable Christmas of his life. On Christmas Day he got his Red Rider bb gun, broke his glasses, and ate Christmas dinner at a Chinese Restaurant. A Christmas Story was told through the narraion of the real life "Ralphie. The movie was not just about Christmas but about childhood in general. While released in the 80's, it has served as the premier Christmas film since its creation. Within Ralphie we see ourselves; complete with our childoods, siblings, and memorable Christmas stories. While released in the 80's, it has served as the premier Christmas film since its creation. It is as much of a Christmas tradition as giving presents and holiday cards or spending time with the family. Within Ralphie we see ourselves; complete with our childoods, siblings, and memorable Christmas stories. |
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