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Part 1

Five teenagers travel to a log cabin in a desolote part of the woods. In the cabin they uncover a tape recorder which tells of a professor who was recanted encantations from the Necronomicon, an ancient book of the dead. The professor hoped to awaken the dead and unleash them on the world. The teens find this an interesting story and accidentally raise the dead themselves starting with one of their female friends. They lock her in the cellar. The teenagers are picked off slowly but surely by the dead menace until the only one left is the smart guy Ash. He holds up in the cabin as best he can and witnesses fright and gore of all sort. By the movie's end he exists the cabin and all appears ok until a ghastly wind can be heard coming behind him. This sets up the story for the sequel.

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Part 2

Ashe the lone survivor of the first Evil Dead Movie returns to his log cabin to escape the dead wind that chases him through the forest. It cuts down trees and presents one of the more simple but interesting visual effects for the movie. Inside the house Ashe watches as his hand gets infected by the deadness around him. His hand tries to have a mind of his own. Ashe struggles with his own hand until he finds a chansaw. Its bye bye to his troublesame hand after a bit of screaming. Ashe chasinsaws through his own hand with an almost delightful laugh and scream. The movie ends with Ashe being transported to some mysterious far off land. He just lands with his car, shotgun, and chainsaw. Soon he is greeted by knights on horseback. Just what is he in for now?

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Evil Dead Part 3 The Army of Darkness

The movie resumes where the second one left off. Ashe is in a time of knights, wizards, and alchmeists. The people around Ashe deem he most be a soldier of their enemy. Ashe is marched off with the other slaves via chains with whips and guards all around him. He wonders just how did he get himself into this. Finally a crevice in the Earth is reached and Ashe is dropped in. Inside, a dead creature awaits to finish off our hero. Ashe appears without hope until a local wizard drops Ashe his "sword" in the form of a chainsaw. Ashe rips through the evil dead and makes his way back to the top. There with his shotgun "boom stick" he shows everyone just who is in charge. Ashe is lead to a king's palace and given access to the finest alchemists, metal makers, and scientists of the realm. Ashe soon discovers that a dead menace threatens the world, and the only way for him to be sent home is to retreieve a copy of the book of the dead and say a magical encantation. Needless to say Ashe says the saying wrong, and dooms the world. Evil dead raise up and begin digging out their friends for an all out attack on the king's castle. Ashe feels bad about what he did and decides to stay and help. He retrieves a collge chemistry text and helps the townfolk make gunpowder. After his car is repaired it is outfitted with a rotating blade. Now all Ashe needs is a new hand to replace the one he cut off before. A metallic one is constructed and everyone prepares to fight. Skeletons emerge right and left and a great showdown commences. The castle is about to fall until a rival king sends troops to help. With skeletal bones everywhere victory is proclaimed. Ashe goes back to his own time and his old job at S-Mart. There he discovers one of the dead had followed him home. Ashe responds by going to the sporting good section and retrieving a lever activated rifle. He must have fired 30 times in a matter of seconds before the creature utlimately falls from its position above.

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