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Scared Straight

A group of troubled teens who have been in and out of trouble for all their lives are given a chance to see where their actions may lead them. They tour a prison and enjoy a "presentation" created by prisoners to try to scare the teens straight. The presentations obviously are not scripted. One boy with a nervous smirk is singled out for special attention. He is shown just how he would become another's woman in prison or perhaps be sold for a cheap pack of smokes. Shoes are taken from the teens to illustrate how it feels to be robbed. References to gang rape, shanks, and angry cell mates abound in this documentary. Most leave the experience scared straight for good. The most impressive thing of the movie is the quality of the speeches that inmates give. Well defined catch phrases, with creative use of swear words hammers home key points. The meaning of the presentation follows a logic that can be most humorously appreciated by movie fans.

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