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The Hard Way
Action star Nick Lang played by Michael
J Fox decides he needs inside info to help his upcoming
cop movie be the most realistic and best ever of his
movies. Lang uses his Hollywood influence to become a
partner for one of New York's toughest badboy cops; John
Moss played by James Woods. The two make a strange
combination one of them is out searching for a serial
killer and the other is out searching for quotes for his
latest movie. But veteran cop Moss doesen't like the idea
of babysitting a Hollywood crybaby. Even though Nick Lang
does not carry a real gun or have real police powers he
sure does learn a lot about being a cop. He is shot at
and even tries to help John Moss with his girlfriend
troubles, a thing that is common for police officers in
cop movies by the way. John Moss can only take so much of Lang constantly taking notes about the his mannerisms and spunky cop sayings so one day he arranges a prank to try to get rid of Nick Lang once and for all. Moss gives the actor Lang a gun with blanks and then sets up a mock criminal hideout with the criminals all played by Moss's cop friends. When "Bang Bang Nick Lang" gets scared he fires off his gun. John Moss then tells him of the guy he shot and that he should just leave. The whole thing was a stunt and does get Nick Lang to abandon his being a pretend cop thing for a bit until he finds out about the gag. At the movie's finale Nick Lang and John Moss meet the serial killer on the roof of a giant building. Posters and promo items for Nick Lang's films are everywhere. Nick Lang is shot and with John Moss' help the badguy is killed. At the film's end Nick Lang's movie based on his experiences tagging along with John Moss is seen in a theatre. Nick Lang naturally uses all of John Moss' clever quotes and its quite funny to pick up on all the puns of the movie through this movie set in the movie at the end. While an obscure film The Hard Way is one of the better Partner Style cop movies made. *Also check out a picture of one of the prop posters from the movie Hard Way made for Smoking Gun II, Michael J Fox's movie within a movie owned by me, its near the bottom of the page. |
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