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The Lost Boys
A mother her eldest son Michael, and his
younger brother movie to Santa Cruz California. The area
has become known as a mass murder capital because of a
string of unsolved murders which have been occuring
recently in the area. Early on Michael meets the social
elite, of the area, "the lost boys" who ride
motorcycles and hang out at nightclubs. One girl in
particular, Star has Michael's special attentions.
Michael chases after Star and her motorcycle friends and
ends up partying and hanging out with them. He drinks
what he thinks is wine with their leader played by Keifer
Sutherland but it really isn't wine; its vampire blood. As a result of drinking the blood a slow transformation occurs in Michael's body. He has a hunger for human flesh and doesen't know why. His brother has met a pair of comic book reading kids with incredible imaginations that have an idea as to just what is going on. They convince Michael's younger brother that vampires are running amock in the town and Michael himself is soon to be one of the bloodsuckers forever unless the master vampire of the area is found and killed. By killing the master vampire all he has touched will revert to normal they believe. Armed with garlic powered water guns and an intense belief in themselves, Michael's brother and his comic book friends proceed in their quest to rid the town of the vampire elite of the town, "Lost Boys." While slowly changing into a vampire Michael resists the temptations of vampiredom and actually fights the Lost Boys in aerial attacks that showcase his emerging strength. Michael's mom is slowly being pursued by a local man who seems to want her for some reason. By the movie's end it is discovered that this old guy is the master vampire the kids seek to kill. He keeps his stash of blood in the fridge, after all who would suspect an old man of being responsible for so much death. The Lost Boys is a rare vampire movie in that the vampire lifestyle is a thing of social status in the community. In most vampire movies its either a thing of solitude, or or despair. In this movie vampires ride motorcylces, party all day, and take whatever they want. The vampires are the ultimate Peter Pans who are eager to reel new members into their ranks rather than just remaining a lone elite club. The movie is as much a movie of adventure like goonies as a film of horror. Regardless of how ithe movie is classified, its an enjoyable tale of vampire cliches, lifestyle, and the heights of kid imagination. |
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