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Other People's Money
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In business, sales and liquidations are an everyday occurence. Sometimes more than just merchandise is for sale. In Other People's Money, Danny Devito plays Larry the Liquidator a famed corporate buyout man that purchases companies and then takes them apart to sell piece by piece for profit. Larry's latest object of desire is New England Wire and Cable. The company has few debts, and lots of assets. Larry learns about thsi company from his computer who he nicknames Carmen. Larry decides to try to court the shareholders of New England Wire and Cable into selling their shares to him. The President of the company hates the idea and spouts emotional talk about the company's history. Larry is unmoved by this argument. The Presidnet of the Company has one asset that Larry did not factor into his equation. This is the daughter of the company President, Penelope. Larry has had few loves in life. He loves doughnuts, dogs, and money. Money doesen't make him fat so he loves money most of all. But with the new girl Peneleope he starts to experience a new love which complicates his plans to takeover the small company which sells wire and cable. Penelope leads the defense against Larry's plans to takeover the company and Larry wants to win both the company and Penelope, but can he really do this? In the ending scene of the movie Larry addresses the shareholders of New England Wire and Cable. His argument is based on maximizing shareholder value. Emotions do not build companies and should not dictate the allocation of resources as Larry puts it more eloquantely. His argument proceeds in a most dramatic fashion. Companies are formed to meet needs, rather its tangerines or wires and cables. To some Larry is the liquidator but Larry does help to create wealth and he hammers this point home to the shareholders of New England Wire and Cable. The movie appears to be going to end with the company being acquired by Larry and slated for being broken up. But before this moment can be reached a new plan emerges, to buy the company and redirect its factory infrastrcture to make wires for airbags. |
OTHER MOVIE REVIEWS OF INTEREST Business/Corporate Wall Street The Secret of My Success Gung Ho Other People's Money Trading Places |
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