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An extraterrestrial is left on Earth by his comrades and is befriended by a small boy, Eliot, and his friends. Together they seek to hide his existance from those that would do him harm. ET is the nickname given to this short but yet sweet extraterrestrial whom desires friendship rather than science or military conquest.

ET learns basic english words and phrases including "be good" and "Eliot." With the aid of a toy phrase keyboard device ET signals his people to come get him and awaits their arrival. ET is hidden as a doll, and runs from the police via a bicycle he causes to fly. By pointing his finger and illuminating a room or object ET wields incredible powers.

Ultimately ET is captures and goverment researchers conclude that ET is sick and dying. A spaceship descends in the hills and ET escapes before the goverment can learn too much about their visitor. ET is one of the few childrens films about close encounters of the third kind, but it clearly is the best of its type. This is the movie that launched Drew Barrymore's career. She played the kid sister of Eliot, the film's star. This was her first memorable role in hollywood.

When the movie was released Atari Inc paid many millions to license the rights to make a video game version of ET. The game was so overproduced by a factor of millions. For more information about the history of Atari an its games, alliances, patents, and history visit the site's Atari Pages.

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