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Last of the Mohicans

During the heart of the French and Indian War a lone Indian tribe struggles to survive in the American Wilderness; a family of father Unca, and siblings Nathaniel and his brother. Nathaniel is also kown as "The long rifle," or 'Long gun" The movie begins as the three hunt a deer; charging through the forest to a hill. A single shot echoes in the darkness and then the deer not only falls but flips over on the way down. This is one of the film's many scenes that just must be seen again and again. In the distance a Bristish commander and his troops traverse the American landscape on their way to Ft. Henry. Led by Indian guide Maguai, they believe their journey will be a safe one.

The column of troops moves to an opening surrounded by forrests on two sides. Maguai, their Indian guide then moves to the rear of the British troops and notices a soldier smiling as he moves. He promptly tomahawks him to death and then takes to the woods. The Britts's trusted guide had led them into a trap. Indians fire on the British from both sides. Maguai apparently is their leader. All of the British would have been killed was it not for the quick intervention of the Mohican family who just happend to be out for a stroll.

The Indians are quickly eliminated except for Magaui who escapes. A British major and two nieces of Ft. Henry's commander survive. Nathaniel, "The Long Rifle" escorts the two female nieces and the British major to Ft Henry. The local militia has been raised in defense of the fort with the promise that they can return to their homes to defend them should Indians attack there. Indians do attack, but the fort's commander refuses to let the Americans return to defend their homes. Nathaniel helps them to escape in the night, so that their families can be protected. He is put in prison for his treason, but one of the Ft Commander's daughters takes a liking to him.

The French along with their Indian allies, including Magua's people tunnel within inches of the forts walls. It will just be a matter of time before the French have breached the English walls. An arrangement is reached whereby the British will surrender their fort but will not be held prisoner and will be able to keep their arms provided they agree to never fight on American soil during this war again. As the British march across open country, the Indian allies of the French attack them. Magua knew the British would not keep their word so he lead a war party to eliminate them. Again the Mohican family comes to the rescue.

The British are quickly killed except for a major, and the two nieces of "grey hair," the leader of the British as Maguai calls him. After a retreat by canoe, the nieces and major surrender. Nathaniel, his brother, and father remain alive however. The prisoners are marched to the home of the Huron, Magau's people. Magua wants to kill both of the female nieces so that "grey hair's seed" will be wiped clean from the Earth. He also speaks of negotiating new trading agreements with the French as Huron power is now to be feared by all Whites including their French allies.

The Huron chief tells Magaua to kill one of the females by fire, and to keep the dark haired one as his wife, so that grey hairs seed will not die, and Magua's hatred will burn less brightly. Nathaniel the legendary Mohican warrior follows the Magau to his camp and agrees to surrender in exchange for the life of the British major and the females. But the major refuses and is ritualistically prepared to be burned alive. After a struggle, Nathaniel escapes and fights with two guns in hand. He kills the British major so that he will not suffer. Nathaniel's brother fights Magaua one on one and is quickly stabbed, slashed and weakened. Maguai finishes the job and tosses the Mohican body as if he is taking out the trash. The Mohican father however arrives at the scene and kills Maguai before dying himself.

Last of the Mohicans is based on the classic James Fenimore Cooper novel, and before the most recent movie version with Daniel Day Lewis, two other versions of this classic have graced movie screens. This version is without doubt the best.The movie features instrumental music, breathtaking scenery, a romance that never dies, and a villain so mean he's cool.. Last of the Mohicans delves into a realm few films can ever go; to the realm of history, greatness and beyond.

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Last of the Mohicans

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