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Jerry's Girlfriends

Terry Hatcher playing Sidra

Jerry doubts that her breasts are real so he has Elaine check to make sure. Sidra
finds out about this and her relationship with Jerry ends. She later in the show decides to go out with Jackie Chiles. Jackie exclaims that her breasts "are real and spectacular."

the girl whose husband
is in a comma.

Jerry is afraid of dating this woman even when her husband is in a comma.

Ellen, the "perfect" one - Jerry finds what appears to be the perfect girlfriend, she puts money in his parking meter before it runs out, and treats Jerry perfectly. Jerry's parents like her so Jerry has to dump her.

Sue Ellen Mishkie
(aka the Braless Wonder) - Elaine's nemesis, which is heir to the O'Henry chocloate bar company fortunes that causes Kramer to wreck his car and potentially ruin his golf career. Jerry testifies against her in court but utlimately can't say anything bad about her as he is attracted to her, and later dates her.

Dolores - Jerry just can't remember her name, all he knows is that her name rhymes with a female body part. Jerry guesses her name may be Mulva or bovaries. After he is dumped he realizes her name is Dolores.

Tractor story girl - Jerry's girlfriend that calls him and says "it's me" Jerry asks if it is Elaine or even George. Jerry decides to give her a dose of her own medicne so he calls her and says "its me" as well. She thinks Jerry is Roy and speaks about the tractor story. Jerry quickly aborts the covert phone operation on George's cue. Jerry then ponders what the tractor story is. George thinks it means she lost her toes in an accident and has toe thumbs. Jerry finally discovers that the tractor story refers to how his girlfriend caught gonorrhea.

the virgin - a British accented female whom Jerry dates. When she finds out about Jerry's participation in a contest to see how long he could go without sex she dumps him. The virgin then loses her virginity to John F Kennedy Jr.

nudist - Jerry's girlfriend that does everything in the nude. Jerry discovers that there is a thing as bad naked with her and he attempts to explain bad naked to George. Ultimately he breaks up with her because she decides to wear clothes and all Jerry can think about is her nude while all she can't help but think of Jerry nude.

toy collector - George waits till his girlfriend is asleep then he and George play with her collection of vintage toys, including GI Joe. Elaine plays with them too when she discovers an Easy Bake Oven.

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