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Adventures in Babysitting

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A babysitter encounters adventures beyond her imaginiation when she agrees to baby sit for one family. She really is paid to babysitt only one young girl, but her brother and best friend end up tagging along on the adventure that ensues. In the film the babysitter travels in her car to pick up a friend. She brings along her babysitting crew. The car gets damaged which leads the group onto a subway. Rival gang members nearly cut up the family as they prepare to go at it. But the babysitter intervenes grabbing a knife and stating "proverbially" that no one messes with the babysitter.

A car thief leads the group out of a really bad neighborhood but into the realm of a vast chopshop. One of the teenage boys of the group steals a playboy magazine that the crime bosses want because it has some notes in it. The group is then pursued everywhere including onto a singing stage, where they sing the "blues." Finally the magazine is given up and everything appears to be swell with the car theives.

Then the trip home to beat the parents of the girl being babysit ensues. The group is nearly spotted outside of a building where the dad is dining with the mom. The group just does make it home in time for the babysitter to clean the house and make it appear that it was an uneventful day of babysitting.

The movie presents a wide range of adventures and colorful characters that few will ever forget. The film features a car mechanic who looks like Thor, a wrecker driver with a hook on his hand, and criminals that stalk them throughout the city. The movie is in many ways Indiana Jones in an urban setting. While full of comedy the film is high on adventure as well. Anyone who has ever in their past dreamed of making out with their babysitter will find this film quite interesting and a real adventure

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