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City of Angels
In this film, the grace of the heavens meets the beauty of the Earth. Nicholas Cage plays an angel who looks after humans. Meg Ryan plays one human he looks after in particular. After learning that it is possible for Angels to become mortals if their love for a woman is strong enough he agrees to fall from heaven to be with the woman he loves. The movie proceeds with the angel experiencing all the little things of life that he never had before like taste and touch. Naturally, the powers of sex he experiences with Meg Ryan's character as well. All is going well and good until one day when the angel's mortal love is riding her bike and is then just hit by a car and dies. Now he has to live out his days all alone. Corrupted to the point of giving up his powers and his position, now he sees the fragile nature of life as mortals experience it. Early on in the movie one can just guess that something like this would happen. Nonetheless it was an interesting movie and will appeal to those that enjoy the fairy tell nature of love. The theme music from this movie burns into ones mind more than anything else throughout the many scenes of this movie that bring tragedy, love, and joy. |
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