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Naturally at first the title threesome does not cause one to evoke notions of romance. The title implies sexual activities of three partners, the proverbial group thing; the "menage." But this film somehow goes beyond that and truly creates displays of romance, comraderie, and kinship that seldom abound in life, but fully are bountiful in this film. The film entails the inner workings and relations of three friends in college. One, Alice is female and the other two are male. In the films climatic "love scene" the three engage in an "adventure" together. The three become closer, and the three become one.

Things are happy for all until Alice discovers that her period is running a bit late for the current month. Fearing a possible pregnancy the three contemplate things together in worry and even alone in solitude. When Alice discovers she is not pregnant the friends rejoice. But with college days soon ending, the trio would forever part it seems. The experience of life and its joys for the three would come and go as college comes and goes. Losing contact with each other, things of wonder and days gone by dissapear into the eras of the past.

The movie really causes one to ponder the paths of life that one may chose or even three. The movie makes one think about all that matters beyond sexual relations, intimacy, and youth. To many this film this film will speak not at all, but to some it will have a message. The message is not of sex, nor of relations or procreation, the message is about the nature of life and humanity.



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