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Titantic was a movie about the tragic sinking and drowning of hundreds of passengers who were aboard the Titantic ship. The movie serves more as a romance story, than that of a tragedy however. Kate Winslett a wealthy girl, whose wealth gives her the status of almost a queen serves as the film's female lead. A pauper who barely got the funds to travel on the Titantic named Jack (as played by Leonardo Dicaprio) serves as the film's male star. Kate had a picture perfect life, without risk or danger. Everything was set for her, provided she would marry the wealthy man that her relatives had basically picked out for her. Jack enters the picture as a daring adventuresome sort that teaches her of the beauty of life and of risk. In one scene Kate threatens to jump off the ship. Jack says if she did then he would have to save her. She says that the fall would kill him. He replies that what he fears most is not the fall but the icey cold water that would spread pain through the body like a thousand tiny knives. His words caused Kate to step back, as he was serious she could see. Frolicking and playing about the ship, they encounter romance as children do. The innocent, and those whose eyes see the world anew with each day were the embodyment of these two. Kate flies through the wind with her hands extended as Jack holds her from the tip top roof of the ship. The world was like a stage before them it seemed. But times were not to be so simple for so long. The ship was to crash, to strike an iceberg and fill with water while many drown and lay dying. Jack and Kate hold to the top railings of the ship as it tips and slowly sinks. By staying above water as long as possible they have the greatest chance to survive. But ultimately they must jump for the cold water that awaits them below. Ultimately Jack dies so that his Kate may live. Kate had two opportunities to exit onto a life boat but turned them both down so she could be with Jack. Thats a great irony of the film. The story is told from the point of view of an old Kate Winslett. She is asked to help researchers locate a precious necklace from the Titantic's wreckage in the past. Kate says nothing of substance about the necklace but at the end we discover that she still has it after all these years. Symbolically she tosses it into the water, as if innocence was lost forever. Symbollic the gesture may have been, but historically naive it certainly was. But then again love is not often a thing of historical value which can be so easily remembered by a single necklace, is it? |
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