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Dante Hicks a clerk at a local conveince store is awakened from a deep sleep to learn that he is needed at work. He is supposed to have the day off as he has plans for a Hockey game at 2 pm. Instead Dante ends up at the store bright and early. Upon ariving in the store he notices the store is out of newspapers. He fixes this problem by just taking a bunch out of a vending machine. Next he discovers that he doesen't have the key to the metal shutters of the store. He paints a note on paper stating "I assure you we're open" so that no one would not know the store is open.

Shortly after Dante appears set up for his day at work which he hopes will be brief, an employee Randel from the video store next door shows up. Randel will be in the video store and in Dante's conveince store off and on the rest of the day.

As the movie progresses it shows what clerks perhaps think of the customers they service as well as the bizarre traits some customers have. One customer inspects every cartoon of eggs in the store in the hopes of finding the perfect dozen. Another customer trys to convince everyone to stop smoking and encourages them to buy gum which is cheaper instead. After a mob organizes against cigarettes it is learned that the agitator that organized them is a salesman for a gum company that is trying to increase sales.

Dante and his video store friend get into trouble throughout the day. A hockey game is played on the roof of the store, a funeral is attended, and the video store clerk goes in search of good videos to rent from a better video store. Dante discuesses his relationship situations and gets fined for selling cigarettees to a minor which is something his video store buddy actually did.

Clerks is part of collection of movies which include, Dogma, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy. The movie is unique in that the movie's soundtrack cost more than all other costs of making the film. Shutters were down on the store because the movie was largely filmed at night when the actual store being filmed in was closed. While commenting on petty matters, and presenting a casual approach to work, the movie itself presents a unique sense of sophisticated humor about work.

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