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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Two busy travelers struggle to reach a taxi and make it to an airport on time. One of them as played by Steve Martin is a marketing executive and desires to make it home for Thanksgiving dinner. He watches as the taxi he hails is taken by another man as played by John Candy. John Candy plays Del a salesman of shower curtain rings. The two meet again at the airport. The flight is cancelled due to inclimate weather and snow. John Candy calls ahead and reserves a hotel room which he agrees to share with his new friend to make up for the Taxi incident. The two attempt to take a train to get to their respective destinations, but the train breaks down. Steve Martin pays for a rental car near the airport and attempts to get home in that. But when he reaches the parking spot, it is supposed to be in, it just isn't there. He marches back to the airport across the runway and throws away his rental agreement before making it to a clerk who is rather cheerful and rosy while talking on the phone with a friend. He finds out that he is screwed since he tore up his rental agreement. He asks a cab driver in a nasty tone to take him somewhere quickly but is quickly punched and hits the floor. Then just moments later Del (John Candy) comes barreling through in a car he rented and nearly kills him. The two share the rental car, and the journey proceeds. The two take turns driving. Ned breaks the seat adjustment controls on the passenger side because he fidgets with them too much and then its his turn to drive. With the song "Do the Mess Around." playing on the radio, he swerves to and fro on the road.A cigarette is tossed out the window, only it does not go outside and instead lands in the backseat as it slowly burns up the car.His car is headed the wrong way, on the wrong side of the road. Going between two 18 wheeler trucks the two barely survive. They get out to retrive luggage that fell outside the car and then the car catches on fire because of the cigarette from earlier. Much later the two take their "car" to a really run down hotel. The car looks like it has survived a nuclear war. All of the credit cards the two had burned in the glove compartment of the car earlier. But they still attempt to pay with their charred remains. An arrangement is reached between the clerk at the hotel to allow one of them (Steve Martin) to stay for money and a good watch. John Candy sits in the cold until finally he is invited to stay in the room with him. They sleep and awake in a rather compromising position. Candy has his hands between two pillows he thinks, only the pillows are not pillows as his friend points out. The two arise terrified from their experieince, and quickly they switch to macho talk such as of football. They take to their car again and drive on the highways for home. The vehicle is stopped and impounded by police as a vehicle unsafe for the road. The radio worked perfectly on the car even though no gauges worked. That was irony. The two then travel on the back of a truck and then in a refrigerated truck to make it to a train station. There they head for home. But John Candy does not have a home or family as he spoke of earlier. His wife had died, so he is invited to dinner with Steve Martin's character. The movie was a true adventure via every means of travel, trouble, and tribulation possible. |
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