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Legends of the Fall

When this movie first was coming to movie theators it had unusual advertisements airing that said nothing about what the movie was about but really made people curious. The advertisements featured the theme music from Last of the Mohicans and quick edits from WWI battle scenes to scenes on a farm. Just what was this movie going to be about?

The movie was about a small Montana farm family with three brothers who went off to the frontline during WWI. One of the brothers dies in battle, the other two make it home but find themselves in competition for the one woman they both love. The family farm runs small scale alcoholic moonshine operations as many did during the prohibition era.

In one scene a militant police officer fires warning shots via his Thompson submachine gun into the air which bounce off a cliff and kill the woman that the two brothers have competed for so fiercely. Things change from that moment forth. The movie ends with a dramatic shootout scene at the family farm. The movie starred Brad Pitt in a role that few would imagine him capable of. Legends of the Fall is a movie about story rather than the stars that are in it. It's a story of three brothers, a war, a woman that changed them, and the events that transpired in their lives on one Montana farm.

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